As a Kindergarten teacher, I will encourage all children to reach their full potential by providing a safe and nurturing environment where shared experiences are enriched to help all scholars reach for the stars!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today in Kindergarten 3-30-2012

Today we led Rise and Shine.  It was so much fun to sit on the stage and get to talk in the microphone.  Click the video link below to see some of the pictures that were taken. 

Boy we have had a busy day!  Right after rise and shine we went to the garden to pull weeds!!   We also found caterpillars, butterflies, centipedes and many other creepy crawlers.  On Monday we get to plant our seeds and plants!  YEA!  Mrs. K. took lots of pictures!  Check them out below.

We watched a reading rainbow about different jobs and community helpers.  We saw horse riders, tiger cub zoo helpers and fireworks display people.  WOW! Lots of cool jobs!

We had a very fun day!

Today in Kindergarten 3-29-2012

Popsicle Winners

When a scholar has mastered all 13 snappy word lists - Mrs. K. buys them a popsicle in the cafeteria.
Here is who earned a popsicle today! 

Word Work
One scholar made a lot of words out of cubes during Daily 5. 

Play Ball
We played with a game with a partner, called play ball.  We had to add two numbers together by counting on. 

Play Ball

What a wonderful day in Kindergarten. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today in Kindergarten 3-28-2012

We had a very fun and busy day. 

This morning we created a poem as a class and then we got to illustrate it. 

Dinosaur Trouble
By Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s Kindergarten Class
There once was a dinosaur
Who was always in trouble
He went to the store,
 Karate chopped the door,
And his mom found him in a bubble.

She took him to the shore
And his teeth popped the bubble.
He let out a loud roar,
 then he roared some more,
And his mom said he was in trouble.

We saw roots come out of our seeds and our seeds are changing colors.

We made the flowers and put detail on it.  We had to put on leaves, stems, seed pods, and petals.  Then Mrs. K. put glitter on our seed pod.  The table bosses pretended to be bees and they moved the pollen from one flower to the next.  Cross pollination is soooo cool!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today in Kindergarten 3-27 - 2012

Today is a STAAR test day. The fourth graders were taking a test.  We helped them by being very quiet in the hallway.  We even walked to recess outside the building. 

In PE we walked outside in circles in the parking lot until we got tired. :)

We talked about national forests and the plants that grow there.  There was a tall cactus plant that had prickly thorns.  When the cactus dies, animals live in and eat the cactus.  We also talked about  tree that is so big you could put 3 cars in it. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

today in kindergarten

Today in Kindergarten, we got to go on the announcements.  Everyone  in school saw us on the big screens.  It was so cool.

Our seeds are starting to grow roots.